from neo4j_runway.code_generation import PyIngestConfigGenerator

Class responsible for generating the PyIngest config yaml.

data_model : DataModel
    The data model to base ingestion code on.
file_directory : str, optional
    Where the files are located.
file_output_directory : str, optional
    The location that generated files should be saved
source_name : str, optional
    The name of the data file. If more than one file is
    used, this arg should not be provided.
    File names should be included within the data model.
strict_typing : bool, optional
    Whether to use the types declared in the data model
    (True), or infer types during ingestion (False).
username : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j username. Providing credentials here will
    write them into the configuration. Use with caution!
password : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j password. Providing credentials here will
    write them into the configuration. Use with caution!
uri : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j uri. Providing credentials here will write
    them into the configuration. Use with caution!
database : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j database. Providing credentials here will
    write them into the configuration. Use with caution!
global_batch_size : int, optional
    The global batch size to use. Will be overwritten by
    any batch sizes declared in the pyingest_file_config
global_field_separator : Optional[str], optional
    The global field separator to use. Will be
    overwritten by any batch sizes declared in the
    pyingest_file_config arg.
pyingest_file_config : Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    Additional configuration parameters to inject into
    the final YAML configuration. Parameters are file
    Supported parameters are: batch_size <int>,
    skip_records <int>, skip_file <int> and
    field_separator <str>.
pre_ingest_code : Union[str, List[str], None], optional
    Code to be run before data is ingested. This should
    include any constraints or indexes that will not be
    auto-generated by Runway.
post_ingest_code : Union[str, List[str], None], optional
    Code to be run after all data is ingested.

Class Methods


Class responsible for generating the PyIngest config yaml. Output is compatible with Runway ingest as well as the original PyIngest.

data_model : DataModel
    The data model to base ingestion code on.
file_directory : str, optional
    Where the files are located. By default = "./"
file_output_directory : str, optional
    The location that generated files should be saved
    to, by default "./"
source_name : str, optional
    The name of the CSV file. If more than one CSV is
    used, this arg should not be provided.
    CSV file names should be included within the data
    model. By default = ""
strict_typing : bool, optional
    Whether to use the types declared in the data model
    (True), or infer types during ingestion (False). By
    default True
username : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j username. Providing credentials here will
    write them into the configuration. Use with caution!
    By default None
password : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j password. Providing credentials here will
    write them into the configuration. Use with caution!
    By default None
uri : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j uri. Providing credentials here will write
    them into the configuration. Use with caution! By
    default None
database : Union[str, None], optional
    The Neo4j database. Providing credentials here will
    write them into the configuration. Use with caution!
    By default None
global_batch_size : int, optional
    The global batch size to use. Will be overwritten by
    any batch sizes declared in the pyingest_file_config
    arg. By default 100
global_field_separator : Optional[str], optional
    The global field separator to use. Will be
    overwritten by any batch sizes declared in the
    pyingest_file_config arg. By default None
pyingest_file_config : Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
    Additional configuration parameters to inject into
    the final YAML configuration. Parameters are file
    Supported parameters are: batch_size <int>,
    skip_records <int>, skip_file <int> and
    field_separator <str>. By default dict()
    Example: pyingest_config = {
    "A.csv": {"field_separator": "|", "skip_file":
    False, "skip_records": 5},
    "B.csv": {"skip_file": True, "batch_size": 1234},
pre_ingest_code : Union[str, List[str], None], optional
    Code to be run before data is ingested. This should
    include any constraints or indexes that will not be
    auto-generated by Runway. By default = None
post_ingest_code : Union[str, List[str], None], optional
    Code to be run after all data is ingested. By
    default = None


Generate the PyIngest yaml in string format.

    The yaml configuration in String format.


Generate the PyIngest YAML config file.

file_name : str, optional
    Name of the file, by default "pyingest_config"


Genreate a .cypher file containing the generated constraints.

file_name : str, optional
    Name of the file, by default "constraints.cypher"


Generate a single String representation of all constraints.

    The constraints in String format.


Generate a .cypher file containing the generated ingestion code.

file_name : str, optional
    Name of the file, by default "ingest_code.cypher"


Generate a single String representation of all ingestion code.

    The Cypher in String format.