
from neo4j_runway.utils.data import load_local_files

A function to systematically load all files from a local directory. Currently supported file formats are: [csv, json, jsonl].

data_directory : str
    The directory containing all data.
general_description : str
    A general description of the data, by default None
data_dictionary : Dict[str, Any], optional
    A dictionary with file names as keys. Each key has a
    dictionary containing a description of each column
    in the file that is available for data modeling.
    Only columns identified here will be considered for
    inclusion in the data model. By default dict()
use_cases : Optional[List[str]], optional
    Any use cases that the graph data model should
    address, by default None
include_files: List[str], optional
    Any filres in the directory that should be included.
    Overwrites `ignored_files` arg. By default list()
ignored_files : List[str], optional
    Any files in the directory that should be ignored.
    Will be overwritten if `include_files` arg is
    provided. By default list()
config : Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], optional
    A dictionary with file names as keys. Each key has a
    dictionary containing arguments to pass to the
    Pandas load_* function. By default dict()

    The container for all loaded data.

    If an attempt is made to load an unsupported file.


from neo4j_runway.utils.data import load_data_dictionary_from_yaml

Load a data dictionary stored in a yaml file. Can either be a multi or single file data dictionary.

file_path : str
    The location of the file.

Dict[str, Any]
    The data dictionary as a Python dictionary.